
Do you want something completely different, something more deeply transformative, something that is a little harder to achieve when you are still living in your day to day? Then come on one of my experiential retreats where you will travel to amazing places, learn skills and experience life changing shifts and remove blockages that have been holding you back. Giving yourself time away from the day to day and in the company of supportive like-minded women you will achieve transformation that you would never have thought possible.

Every retreat is different but the ah-ha moments are a constant. Some of the ways we get to those ah-ha’s is through fire ceremony to release fears, meditations and journaling, waterfall experiences to clear negativity and cleanse, visualization, gratitude exercises, mind mapping, sharing circles and a range of tools and techniques to ensure a profoundly life changing experience. We always cover a lot of material on our retreats but you still have time to relax, reflect and absorb all there is.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming dates!

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