Healing & Light
Are you living your dream life?
Find out what’s keeping you from being the best version of yourself!

Are you living the best life you can: achieving what you desire, experiencing all that your amazing life has to offer and living your life with purpose and passion?

Or are you feeling like something’s missing, something not quite aligned, something blocking your flow to success?

We offer a range of ways to transform your life. Hone your lifestyle skills, become reconnected to your true purpose and watch you and your life bloom!

energy healing

Energy Healing

A professional, alternative healing therapy that takes a holistic approach to your health, wellness & amazing life.


Experiential retreats in amazing locations to take your healing and transformation to a whole new level.
online courses

Online Courses

Take the leap, transform your life by learning on your own schedule, anywhere, any time. Quality, self-paced, on-demand options.
life coaching

Life Coaching

Transform your life: identify your goals and develop actionable plans to achieve them with the help of truly life changing coaching sessions.
Sandra Woods, owner & primary practitioner of Healing and Light, is a Diploma qualified Forensic Healing practitioner and people manager based in Woodbine in Western Sydney.

Sandra is able to provide:

  • face-to-face healing or life coaching sessions at the practice at Woodbine
  • distance healings or life coaching sessions are available to any location
  • transformational retreats are conducted several times per year
  • a range of lifestyle and skills courses to align with your transformation and life and wellness goals is in development and coming soon

Sandra has a deep desire to help people and what better way than to help people live their best life either through healing sessions, life coaching, transformational retreats or online learning. Read Sandra’s Story.


“Everything started going wrong for me, things constantly breaking down or getting damaged, so many unexpected expenses, lost items. It wasn’t until my mother identified a pattern that I saw it. She recommended Sandra and I’m so glad she did. One session and it all started to go right again. I don’t understand how it works but so happy it did.”

Nathan, Plumber

“I came to see Sandra due to my frustration in not being able to lose weight. Through her energy healing she was able to identify that I wasn’t lacking in motivation and willpower, my issue was that I self sacrificed and put everyone else’s needs before my own. I never saw that before. The healing was amazing, and I’m now on my way to a better more balanced life, including meeting my weight loss goals.”

Allison, Admin Officer

“Just a quick message to thank you for my healing session on the weekend. I am so much more at peace now, I am feeling clearer and calmer – so thank you very much for your help and advice.”

Rebel, Shop Assistant

“Thank you for the healing session with you. I definitely feel that something has shifted, I feel less anxious and more sure of my path going forward. Thank you until the next time.”

Lorraine, Case Manager

“I suffer very regularly with lower back pain, I came to see Sandra and through her healing, within half an hour it was totally gone, even on-going the pain has not returned. Amazing! I don’t go anywhere else other than seeing Sandra now and I recommend her to all my friends also.”

Jessica, Teachers Aide