
Fighting Fear and Coming Out on Top

Fighting Fear and Coming Out on Top

Fear is a survival instinct that helps us avoid danger. But irrational fears, those that stop us from doing things that carry little to no actual risk will just hold us back. You have to learn to differentiate between the two.

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Combat that Negative Self-Talk!

Combat that Negative Self-Talk!

Everyone experiences negative self-talk both in their personal lives and their work lives. It includes those little voices tempting you to go through the fast food drive thru at lunchtime; or the voice saying you don’t know what you’re doing in your job or your...

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Self Kindness and Compassion – You First!

Self Kindness and Compassion – You First!

We are brought up in a society to be kind to others and for females it is even more ingrained, we are told and it is reinforced throughout our lives that it is our duty to be kind and compassionate to others. But when we give and give and give to others, without being...

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