
I’m Sandra Woods, owner and primary practitioner of Healing and Light and I’m so glad you’re here. I’m going to answer three questions so you can get to know me…

What can I do for you….

You will receive a holistic approach to help you with whatever your concerns are and I recognise that a one size fits all approach really doesn’t fit all. So you have a range of options which can be complementary or can be used individually.

You will receive intuitive and energetic hands on healing sessions that support you with anxiety and stress reduction; clearing blockages to abundance, growth and career; healing physical, emotional and mental ailments and conditions; navigating relationships; confidence; empowerment and much more. Any of those sound like they’d help you? Believe me, I’ve probably been exactly where you are now, different situation but same emotions, feeling unfilled or dissatisfied with some aspects of your life, knowing you should be doing something different to what you’re doing now but you don’t know what it is or how to get there or perhaps you’re just fed up and totally pissed off. All of that is totally fine, it means you’re ready for a change.

Sandra Woods
life coaching
Life Coaching…

Alternatively to the healing sessions or complementary to them is life coaching. I will help you to get crystal clear on your goals, develop strategies to achieving them and creating actionable plans with built in tactics that you can easily employ when you come up against resistance, whether that be from your own inner voice or those around you who aren’t quite used to the new you. With support every step of the way you will never be on your own.

Do you want something completely different, something more deeply transformative, something that is a little harder to achieve when you are still living in your day to day? Then come on one of my experiential retreats where you will travel to amazing places, learn skills and experience life changing shifts and remove blockages that have been holding you back. Giving yourself time away from the day to day and in the company of supportive like-minded women you will achieve transformation that you would never have thought possible.

Why do I do what I do…

I feel inner peace and joy in seeing the results of my client’s healing and transformation. Whether it is in healing sessions, life coaching or on a retreat, whilst all client sessions are different they all have one thing in common: once you have the ah-ha moment of understanding what has brought you to that point, you can recognise your negative life patterns and can see the light ahead, then there is clarity and the transformation immediately starts.

No, the heavens don’t open up and birds begin to sing, but that ah-ha moment results in you feeling empowered and motivated, your positivity and passion is restored, you are on your way to living your best life. This can be you! I invite you on a supported path of transformation, healing and wellbeing.

life coaching
Sandra Woods
So how did I get here….

I have a long history in corporate human resources management and community services. I have always coached staff, managers and organisations and yes my own son also. I’ve always known I have been helping people and transforming them in one way or another but when an early mid life crisis occurred I knew I needed to make a change, I needed to live my life’s purpose with more conviction. I have a deep desire to help people: help them to help themselves, help them to heal, help them to transform, find their purpose and passion and support them as they soar towards living their best life. So I spent years learning and training. I have qualifications in human resource management and training and am a certified Forensic Healing practitioner. I offer:

• face-to-face healing or life coaching sessions at the practice at Woodbine in Western Sydney.
• distance healings or life coaching sessions are available to any location.
• transformational retreats are conducted several time per year.
• a range of lifestyle and skills courses to align with your transformation and life and wellness goals is coming soon.

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